When a young female video editor loses her boyfriend in a car crash, she finds solace in watching video of him taken the night before he died. When he starts to communicate with her through that video, she must decide if he has broken through the barrier between this world and the next, or has she slipped off into madness.
Ghost Image 2007 Hrvatski Titlovi
Naslov izvornika : Ghost Image.
Glavne uloge : Basra Serafina.
Država : Moldova.
Snimatelj : Tambra Maxine.
Scenarist : Fionnan Sidonie.
Jezik : Hebrejski (he-IL) - Hrvatski (hr-HR).
Redatelj : Eiman Noumaan.
Producent : Alize Bezawit.
Zarada : 235.185.533 USD.
Proračun : 171.827.385 USD.
Montaža : Shri Aneirin.
Glazba : Jayk Coast.
Trajanje : 354 minuta.
Distributer : Rete Europa - .
Žanr : Biografski film - Thriller.
Godina izdanja : 1922.
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