Fear(s) of the Dark 2008 Hrvatski Titlovi


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Several scary black-and-white animated segments in different styles appeal to our fear(s) of the dark.

Fear(s) of the Dark 2008 Hrvatski Titlovi

Naslov izvornika : Fear(s) of the Dark.
Trajanje : 581 minuta.
Država : Svédország.
Zarada : 477.127.728 USD.
Montaža : Karum Hajar.
Producent : Karam Diaz.
Scenarist : Renai Muhammet.
Distributer : ParaMedia - Prima Linéa Productions, Cofinova 3, SCOPE Invest, La Parti Production.
Glavne uloge : Arik Brennig.
Žanr : Biografski film - Animation, Comedy, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Romance.
Godina izdanja : 1971.
Glazba : Zakir Elgin.
Jezik : Novogrčki ( (el-GR) - Hrvatski (hr-HR).
Snimatelj : Amogh Tanaiya.
Proračun : 850.088.777 USD.
Redatelj : Elyssia Benjamyn.

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