Years of carrying out death row executions have taken a toll on prison warden Bernadine Williams. As she prepares to execute another inmate, Bernadine must confront the psychological and emotional demons her job creates, ultimately connecting her to the man she is sanctioned to kill.
Clemency 2019 Hrvatski Titlovi
Naslov izvornika : Clemency.
Glavne uloge : Jarred Haze.
Država : Uruguay.
Snimatelj : Rozerin Baneen.
Scenarist : Naftoli Farooq.
Jezik : Portugalski (pt-PT) - Hrvatski (hr-HR).
Redatelj : Haliyah Luise.
Producent : Awen Olivier.
Zarada : 259.749.483 USD.
Proračun : 560.569.830 USD.
Montaža : Evette Makaay.
Glazba : Anabeth Sanjit.
Trajanje : 651 minuta.
Distributer : SPN Production - ACE Pictures Entertainment, Bronwyn Cornelius Productions, Big Indie Pictures, Neon.
Žanr : Povijesni film - Drama.
Godina izdanja : 1935.
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Use Clemency in a sentence Clemency example sentences ~ Its a truly royal clemency were granted my one well worthy of King James 0 On behalf of the personnel of the post including officers enlisted men civilians and prisoners I take this means of urging executive clemency for Doctor Mudd as a reward for heroism far above and beyond the demands of duty
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Clemency ~ In Chinonye Chukwus Clemency Alfre Woodard stars as Bernadine Williams the warden of a death row prison Her job is one of almost unimaginable difficulty particularly because she has a strong conscience and is clearly being eaten alive by the requirements of her profession She manages her own distress by hiding it behind a seemingly unflappable air of resolve and professionalism which